
Bitcoin Banks hacked

The site claimed to be "one of the most secure web wallets on the market" and charged customers a small fee to store their coins.
$ 1.3M stolen  

Update 14-Nov-2013:
Bitcash.cz now hacked and 4000 coins stolen!

Update 30-Nov-2013:
A Danish exchange now goes down and lose 1295 coins!
At the same time the cost of 1 coin crosses $1200!

Update 01-Dec-2013:
Virtual Currency Explained (Like You're an Idiot)
Another very good explanation. How the protocol works.

Update 08-Dec-2013:
Another site [Sheep Marketplace] gets hacked of bitcoins. Or is this a case of the website owner stealing them?

Update 14-Feb-2014:
SilkRoad 2 hacked and robbed of $2.7M. How did the Feds find the identity of their servers - via reCaptcha!

Update 19-Feb-2014:
What's going on at Mt. Gox

Update 25-Feb-2014:
Mt Gox shuts down! Bitcoin-stealing malware hidden in Mt. Gox
History of Bitcoin

Update 08-Mar-2014:
Bitcoin creator found? Turned out to be false

Update 22-Mar-2014:
Mt Gox 'finds' $100m worth of coins?

Update 26-Apr-2014:
Physical debit cards for bitcoin

Update 01-May-2014:
MIT Students Look To Jumpstart Bitcoin Economy

Update 15-Sep-15:
Seems like Mt Gox case, isn't about hacking/malware, but about embezzlement. Former founder and CEO has been arrested in Japan.

Update 08-Dec-15:
Internet now believes that a Craig Steven Wright, from Australia, is the mastermind behind BitCoin (the Nakamoto). His house got raided, and he is under arrest now.

Update 03-May-16:
Craig comes out and admits he is Nakamoto. We also have skeptics who (very convincingly) believe this is just a lie.

Update 07-May-16:
Woh, Craig backtracks, and takes down his blog which he kept over the years. All there is now a goodbye message.

Update Feb-2017:
Zerocoin loses $585 K because of a bug in their code.

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