Some of the opinions on the net:
- Availability and Integrity (not so much Confidentiality)
- Integrity First … Then Availability … Then Confidentiality
IFA or IDFA stands for "identifier for advertisers." It's a random, anonymous number that is assigned to a user and their device. It is temporary and can be blocked, like a cookieIn case someone would like a simple summary.
5 – The NO-Master
4 – The By-The-Book Preacher
3 – The Dinosaur
2 – The Technology-Solves-It-All
1 – The paranoid
[Quote] The bug was discovered by Gareth Heyes who blogged the issue with proof of concept code on Wednesday. By going public rather than reporting the issue to Mozilla, Heyes spurned the chance of a $3000 bug finders reward. Asked why, he replied, “I think Mozilla taking FF16 down is reward enough. Publicity LOL. 3K LOL.”
Under the system, the Japanese government plans to share information on cyberattack patterns and technologies to defend against these attacks. It also plans to carry out exercises to verify the effectiveness of the system within the current fiscal year.Full Story
Users will have no choice but to upgrade their certificates from tomorrow (9 October 2012). Failure to do so will lead to “disruptions to business and computing operations,” continued Venafi, which “could include everything from Internet Explorer failures to inability to encrypt or digitally sign emails on Outlook 2010 and other legacy systems that rely on the older, weaker encryption keys.”Full Story
We have discovered a new Man in the Browser (MitB) scam that does not target specific websites, but instead collects data submitted to all websites without the need for post-processingYoutube Video Demo
.. purporting to be affiliated with major computing vendors including Dell, Microsoft, McAfee and Norton, the telemarketers conned unwitting consumers into believing that their computers are riddled with viruses, spyware and other malware, charging anywhere from $49 to $450 per PC to remotely access and "fix" the machines.Full Story