
100+ Singapore Websites Defacaed

In a period of 2 days, over 100 websites defaced, with a message:
Hacked By Mr.AzRooT
[ People advising others often forget that the same advice applies to their life as well. ]


Tesco user credentials published

A hacker publsihed 2240 user accounts and cleartext password on pastebin. At the face of it looked like a breach of their servers. However, Troy investigated and has a different theory.


Now a 400 GBps DDoS attack

Largest in the history, and much bigger than last year's Spamhaus attack [biggest at the time].
Using NTP reflection attack, similar to what was used to attack a few gaming websites recently.

Some more details here. Symantec's tech details


Sochi Olympics hit the security news!

"The U.S. State Department has told Americans coming to Sochi that they should have 'no expectation of privacy,' 
For now, looks like USA is trying to make the Russians look bad, without any solid evidence

Whistleblower give a blow to Barclays Bank

A Snowden-style finance whistleblower, who seems to have grown a conscience, has blown the whistle on Barclays bank for the loss and subsequent mis-use of 27,000 files of detailed personal data on customers and potential customers. Those files reached the hands of rogue traders known as 'spank shops.'
Full Story 


ISO standard 30111

I believe this was much needed. I am yet to read it, but knowing ISO I am sure it will act as a good guideline.