
Anonymous Group under fire!

The Story:

FBI has arrested 14 hackers of the Anonymous hacking group, for attacking PayPal, MaterCard, Visa around Dec-2010.

Their Crime:

These 14 "hackers" as FBI calls them, downloaded a tool called LOIC, which voluntarily attached their machines to the Anonymous' botnet, which at that time were being used to attack the payment gateways, which had cut off their services to Wikileaks. So, in support to Wikileaks the Anonymous group decided to fight back (dubbed Operation Payback) and called for volunteers.

So, how did they get caught?

The tool took no effort to hide the IP address of the botnet, hence easily leading the feds to the doorstep of the attackers


Guys come on, these poor people were only angered by what PayPal and Mastercard did. They for sure are not the "real" hackers here. So, why not go after the big fish in the pond?

The Story continues:

In retaliation to these arrests, this week, Anonymous broke into NATO's servers and stole over 1 GB of data.

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