
Flame Malware

Here is some info around this malware, which is supposedly funded by a Government agency.

Update 04-Jun-2012:
If this article is true, it shows how serious USA government (and maybe others) are becoming in using cyber-world for warfare.

Update 05-Jun-2012:
This is truly worrisome, "Flame is using valid but fake Microsoft certificates to sign the code through a bug in their CA system via Terminal Services". Microsoft has released an emergency patch to revoke the three certs in question.

Update on 07-Jun-2012:
Considering MS's update feature was mis(used) to spread the malware. It shows how serious the breach is.

Update on 11-Jun-2012:
“They said that it was Israeli intelligence that began, a few years earlier, a cyberspace campaign to damage and slow down Iran’s nuclear intentions.” It was only later that they managed to convince the US to join. The US is saying ‘we did it, and you helped;’ while Israel is saying, ‘no, we did it, and you helped.’
Well, doesn't really matter. Point to note is that WW3 may not have weapons at all.
BTW, there is now evidence to show that there is a direct link between Flame, Stuxnet malware.

Update on 12-Jun-2012:
The rouge cert from MS was obtained via a previously explained vulnerability in SSL. Details are here and here.

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